Education's March to Socialism

Originally written by Mary Black and Glenna Jehl

HORACE MANN 1796 - 1859

Historian Ellwood P. Cubberley said about Mann: No one did more than he did “to promote that the aims of education “should be social efficiency…rather than mere learning…”

JOHN DEWEY 1859 - 1952

John Dewey, a socialist who was infatuated with the soviet education system, warded fellow progressives “that change must come gradually” in order not to provoke “a violent reaction”

Eisenhower signed agreements with the soviet union to merge our two countries 1958

These agreements began the merger that “covered every aspect of the two nations’ lives: defense,…education, arts, medicine, science, etc.”


This law began the federal government’s intrusion into education using federal funds. Accountability and data mining were attached to the funds.


Claiming this would spread “the roots of change and reform” throughout the nation LBJ federalized teacher training/ recruitment and higher education financing.

Higher education act 1965


These agreements facilitated the “exchange ….of educational and teaching materials, including textbooks, syllabi and curricula, materials of methodology, samples of teaching instruments and audiovisual aids.

Reagan Administration Allowed Soviet Takeover of Education

Virginia first to launch common core of learning

The standards are copyrighted by the National Governors Association  Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers, which controls use of and licenses the standards. The NGA Center and CCSSO do this by offering a public license which is used by State Departments of Education. The license states that use of the standards must be “in support” of the Common Core State Standards Initiative. It also requires attribution and a copyright notice, except when a state or territory has adopted the standards “in whole”. With support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Pearson Publishing Company, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, and others.

Marxist "critical thinking" brought into u.s. schools

Marc tucker's "dear hillary" letter 1992

Marc Tucker, President of the National Center on Education and the Economy, outlines a “plan would change the mission of the schools grom teaching children academic basics and knowledge to training them to serve the global economy…”

Master plan for takeover of u.s. education 1994

All parts of Tucker’s plan emphasizing workforce development enacted.

Goals 2000

As he signed this into law, President Clinton stated “it’s time to abolish the outdated distinction between academic learning and the skilled learning.” one of the goals calls for promoting social and emotional learning.


School-to-Work programs are required to integrate work-based and school-based learning; integrated academic and occupational learning; and establish links between secondary and post-secondary education.

Re-authorization of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

This establishes a Title 1 program for “helping disadvantaged children meet high standards” and make it federal policy that all individuals have “a fair and equal opportunity” to attain a high-quality education.

Workforce investment act 1998

This act provided the largest source “of federal funding for workforce development activities” and “established a universal access systme of one-stop career centers.”

Soviet lev vygotsky's (1896 - 1934)
theories written into Common Core State Standards

In 2000’s renewed interest in Vygotsky’s “unfinished theory of human cultural and bio-social development” surfaced. His Zone of Proximal Develpoment theory has impacted U.S. education in the 21st century.

No child left behind act 2002

Re-authorization of Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) (1965) The focus of NCLB is to eliminate achievement gaps by providing all children fair and equal opportunities to obtain a high-quality education. Accountability is to be determined by increased and continuous testing.

This opened the door for federal intrusion, unfunded mandates, 
and excessive standardized testing.

Race to the top 2009

This is the $4.35 billion competitive grant program established by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). To receive grants, states had to adopt “college and career ready” standards (a.k.a Common Core) and build data systems (SLDS).

Final draft of the common core state
standard initiative released 2010

The CCSI details what K – 12 students are to know at the end of each grade. This national set of standards is meant to ensure that high school graduates are prepared to enter college or enter the workforce.

patient protection & affordable care act

Under Title II, The Role of Public Programs, Subtitle L SEC 511 (b), communities with premature birth or low birth weight, poverty, or unemployment are assessed by the state and submitted to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (data tracking and collection). 

Education to prepare workforce and global citizens

Codified common core state standard initiative as college and career ready standards

Workforce innovation and opportunity act 2014

WIOA, jointly implemented by the U.S. department of Labor, HHS, and Education, was “designed to strengthen and improve our nation’s workforce”; high quality jobs for empolyees and skilled worker of employers. (Arne Duncan served as United States Secretary of Education from 2009 to 2015 and as Chief Executive Officer of Chicago Public Schools from 2001 to 2008)

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 2015

Re-authorized ESEA 1965

ESSA was touted as a replacement for NCLB. It did not remove federal power in education policy-making, maintained the NCLB testing mandate with more emphasis on scores, and increased the federal role in teacher preparation.

Social emotional learning